Fonts Perfect for Teachers, Classrooms, and Silhouette Projects!
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Stanford Font Pairings
Friday, November 17, 2017
If you're anything like me, when you're creating something you're searching through hundreds if not thousands of fonts only to struggle finding the perfect pair. Once I find that perfect pair I feel like I stick with it for far too long. What's the point in having so many fonts if I'm only going to use 2??

Remind, Formerly Known as Remind 101
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Communication is and has always been an issue in relationships. Whether it be from parent to child, spouse to spouse, teacher to student, teacher to parent...
I digress.
I would imagine that a lack of communication leads to most of the problems that we endure throughout our day. What would you say if I told you that I may have a solution for at least 1, if not 2 of those relationship communication situations? (Sorry this isn't going to get your husband or kids to share more about their day over dinner.)

Classroom Cornucopia!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Some amazing teachers and I have collaborated and compiled a cornucopia of sorts for you! We put together our favorite products to share during this friends-giving!
I shared Post It Note Reminders! These easy to use sticky note reminders are a great way to keep notes home consistent in your classroom. All you need to do is print the template, stick the post its, and print again. Have them stocked up in your drawer for your next writing checklist! Parents and students will love the consistency these checklists can bring to your classroom! Teachers will love the convenience!

Using QR Codes to Email in the Classroom
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Ahhhh the relaxing month of February is upon us... said no teacher ever! I mean you have black history, dental health, Groundhog Day, 100th Day, Chinese New Year, my birthday (hahaha ha you all celebrate it right?!), Valentine's Day, President's Day, Leap Year... you get the point. At this point in the year I'm trying to keep the kiddos on their toes and manage to get to everything I intend to cover. Easier said than done, right? That's why it's great to multitask and kill two birds with one stone.
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