Are you pinterested?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'd like to welcome and thank Katie for being today's guest blogger! I believe we started blogging around the same time and we share a love for DonorsChoose <3 I hope that you'll visit her blog and maybe even become a follower :)

Hi friends!  It's Katie from Dirty Hands & Lesson Plans.  I am so excited to be guest blogging for Jessica today.  When she first mentioned guest blogging to me, I jumped on it and said "of course!"  Then, I realized I had no idea what to guest blog about.....

After thinking about it (and looking at all these crafty projects people are posting), I decided I would share some of my favorite Pinterest inspired DIY {cheap} classroom creations!  I'm addicted to Pinterest and I like to pretend to be crafty, but I'm definitely not making the big bucks.  
These are some of my favorite projects for your classroom that can be made from items you {probably} already have at home!  
This super cute ruler holder was made from a pringles can.  It was originally pinned from Michelle at Classroom DIY
This is a DIY "Hear Myself Sound Phone."  They're about $6 at Lakeshore, but would be so much cheaper if you bought the pipe at Lowes.  I imagine you could spray paint these to make them super cute too!  This picture is from Amy at Step Into Second Grade.  

Brownie Points......I LOVE it and it is a great twist on the good old marble jar!  I always make sure to have a motivator for each part of the classroom: *individual, *table, *and whole class.  This is for the WHOLE CLASS!  Just buy a regular old cookie sheet and attach magnet tape to the back, and then stick it to your white board. Anytime the class as a whole are doing a great job by listening, following directions, being responsible, finishing their work, working quietly.
This can be used as a form of classroom management.  It's just a plain ol' cookie sheet!  As students behave, they can earn "brownies." You can read more about it at What the Teacher Wants

Classroom Freebies Too: The Cookie Sheet Challenge
Here is another idea going off the cookie sheet magnetic board. 

Recycle Craft: Cereal box bookmarks
Cereal/Snack Box Bookmarks anyone?  Idea from Plum Pudding
Classroom DIY- magazine holder from a cereal box
How cute is this!?!  Have you ever looked into buying these magazine holders for your classroom?  They are ridiculously expensive!!!  This is such a great alternative.  
Who doesn't want a tattle monster in their classroom!?! The idea is that the students "feed" the tattles to the monster instead of the teacher.  Read more here at Giggles Galore. 

Paper towel holder + binder rings + page covers = a great way to display students' work! for-my-classroom
I've seen this image floating around for a LONG time.  It would be an awesome way to display student work in the classroom.  
Bottle cap letters
Save old bottle caps and put letters on them.  Students can use them to manipulate during "finding words" activities.
Recycle milk cartons for home or the classroom
This would TOTALLY not be practical in my classroom.  It's still a fun idea though!  
and last, but not least
Recycle in the classroom
OMG!  This is such a fun idea, but what would I do with an igloo in my Florida classroom??  I don't know, but I love it!   Apparently, some class in Michigan spent 3 weeks collecting 428 gallon milk jugs to make this.  You can read more here.

Does anyone else have any other ideas for easy and cheap classroom DIY projects??  

Thanks again Katie!! Now you have be running to
target and my trash can to find some of these supplies!!  
Don't forget to stop by tomorrow for Heidi Raki of Raki's Rad Resources. 


Tammy said...

I love those bookmarks. Pinned!
❀ Tammy
Forever in First

Tanya Dwyer said...

Those bookmarks are wonderful. Will have to remember that one for sure! Thanks!

Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

Wolfelicious said...

Great post! Lots of great ideas.


smoran892 said...

I love this post!! I haven't seen a lot of these pins before! Thanks for the great finds :)

T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

amy said...

Brownie Points!?! What a GREAT idea!
I also like the display for student work!
Thank you for sharing all these great ideas!
Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

Katie said...

Thanks so much for having me on your blog Jessica!! I hope all your readers enjoyed these ideas :) I can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back.... (so basically, you must have an "I'm back!" blog post to tell us about it haha)

Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

The Colorful Apple said...

Those bookmarks are cool!

Sara :)
Smiling in Second Grade

Unknown said...

3 out of these pictures are on my summer to-do list already!!

I am your newest follower! Adorable blog. I would love if you checked out my new blog. :-)


Michelle Hudgeons said...

I love the tattle monster idea! Thanks Katie for sharing these!
Michelle @ Smitten With First
My TPT Store

Barbara L said...

I like that bottle cap idea. Thanks.
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Miss Jones said...

I love these ideas! Soo cute!

Bright Concepts 4 Teachers said...

Great ideas! I have pinned a few already. I love the bookmark idea. I think I must try it this next year.
Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

Unknown said...

I like the book marks. And I've seen this igloo before and never fail to be impressed. I wish I had room for something like that in my room.

❤- Stephanie
Falling Into First

Kinderkay said...

Great ideas! My co-teacher collects and creates the igloo every year during our polar unit and it stays up until May! The kids read in there, draw in there.... During our ocean unit, she turns it into an octopus! Thanks for posting these cute ideas!

Unknown said...

Awesome ideas Katie! Thank you for finding and sharing! I cannot wait to put some of these things to use.


005 Watkins' Way

Lana said...

LOVE the bookmarks! Definitely planning on making some!

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