Grow It!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let me start off by saying I don't have much of a green thumb.... but that being said we actually didn't do that bad. We started early this year due to the warm weather in March. Each student did their thing by filling their cup with soil at a center, picking their seeds, and planting!

We set their cups in the sun and spritzed them daily!

No joke! 3 days later this is what we saw!! I couldn't believe my eyes!! Marigolds work wonders in the classroom!

We tracked them on our hand dandy plant books and met all their needs in our classroom for a few weeks. We then transplated them with help outside!!

Unfortunately, due to the drought they died :( no matter how much water we gave they died :(
so next year we are going to create these adorable guys!
click for original post



Chynna said...

How fun! Looks like you have a green thumb to me:)

Jackie said...

I love those planters! I have that pinned to make for home (maybe)!


Third Grade's A Charm

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