I'm so excited to link up with my bestie Reagan from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits!!
This linky is so creative and I just had to jump on the band wagon! So here is what you have to do...
P- Product
My favorite product??? Hmm that's a toughy, because I wouldn't sell it if I didn't like it, right? But I would have to say that my all time favorite product is my font collection!
It all came from not being able to find what I need! So I decided to give it a try and can I just tell you how much I enjoy it?!
A- Area
I guess my favorite area of my classroom isn't so much a "area" as it is a workspace. All tables in my room are supplied with my favorite furniture....
They are so inviting, so fun, and so calming to the students and the teacher! Yes I know they are a growing trend, but before anyone knew anything about them people looked at me like I had 3 heads! "Your kids are going to sit on what??" "Where are your chairs??" "How in the world do they get any work done while bouncing around all day?"
Let me just tell you, I hear it all and my answer is come to my classroom and see! In the 4 years that I've used them I have had 2 students that couldn't handle them! 2... not 2 a year, just 2! Actually it's only 1, but the other child destroyed one so he was banned for life, but that's another story!
I digress...
S- Signal
I've had so much fun reading everyone's favorite signal!! I especially love my BFF Hadar's from Miss Kindergarten! She read my mind when she said her bell "because I can hit it really hard when I'm frustrated and nobody notices" lol took the words right out of my mouth!!
But my newest favorite is using the whole brain method:
I say class and they say yes.
Sound boring huh? NAH!! You spice it up. However I say class they have to say yes.
My favorite... I say Classity Claaaaaaaaass. and of course they say Yessity Yessssssssss. If I say it in a frankenstein voice so do they.... and so on. I love it!
My classes new favorite?? Clapping rhythms! I totally love it because they are super duper quiet when they do it! I tried it last year when they were kinders and either they were too impatient to listen to the full rhythm or they just weren't coordinated enough hehe
S- Sanity
As many of my besties have already said....
My blogging friends!!!
I haven't even been blogging a full year and already I have MET (yes actually met) some amazing girls! I mean the crazy thing is from the moment I picked these Cali girls up from the airport I knew we were going to be best friends!
I picked them up last Saturday morning and they drove with me to the meet up! They weren't only great company for the ride, but they were hilarious! I was basically peeing my pants the whole ride!
Once we got to the hotel we met up with more blogging friends that I adore! It was crazy to finally place voices and faces to friends that I've read about for over a year!
The entire cincy crew <3
Later that night we met up with 4 more blogging friends that were staying in Kentucky for the weekend! Finally Kelley Dolling and I were able to meet! We've been chatting it up since we started blogging last year <3
Megan and I are the only two true Ohioans that joined the trip :) we had to celebrate with a toast of flavored water.... don't we look like we are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary?! lol
And the whole crew!

I would love to give ball chairs a go in my classroom. Where did you purchase yours from?
First Grade Carousel
I love those chairs! I'll have to look into getting some.
First Grade Found Me
We do "Class! Yes!" too, and I agree...so not boring...so, so, so fun to come up with different combinations/variations!
Across the Hall in 2nd Grade
I love that you hashtagged the end with a copyright! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks for linking up with me. I NEED those chairs! Thanks for the info!
This post made me smile . . . I heart you girl!
I look like a bum in the last picture! itscoldincincy#
Teaching With Style
I had used ball chairs in my classroom for the past 3 years when I taught in the intermediate grades. They are AWESOME!! I love yours...mine were just normal exercise balls. The biggest problem was that they would not stay still...but older kids were good at managing them!!
Thanks for sharing about the Hall Pass linky...SO much fun!! I just linked up. I'd love it if you'd "sneak down the hall" and check mine out!! :) LOL!!
Happy Teacher Heaven
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